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A Guide to Analyzing Logs with Bash and AI Ollama locally
For developers and system administrators who often work with Command Line Interface (CLI) tools, the good news is that AI can be incorporated into ....
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Our online world can survive with slow productivity.
In today's high-velocity digital landscape, where teams are inundated with meetings, emails, and ever-growing to-do lists, the quest for pseudo-pro....
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Using PHP webserver to run Drupal
If you need to test Drupal, use the PHP web server with the following code.....
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Using composer and dogit to develop your Drupal module locally.
When developing a Drupal module, you can use Composer to clone the Git repository locally and let Dogit m....
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Using ddev and colima in local development.
Colima and Docker are tools used for developing and deploying software in containers.....
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Adding Apache JMeter performance testing to your toolchain
Testing your application's performance is important and part of any development process several tools have automated the process and give feedback ....
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Using Lando to develop a Drupal Multisite
The Lando development tool allows a developer to remove the unneeded boilerplate and distractions in creating and ....
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Integrating Solr search in Drupal using the Search API
Drupal's default core search does have limitations in the way it searches a database and if there is increased search traffic it can affect respons....
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Git commands that we all need to remember
Git is fantastic and is used by companies all over the world it's used on every major platform and has revolutio....
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PHPCS ERROR Referenced sniff SlevomatCodingStandard ControlStructures RequireNullCoalesceOperator does not exist
When setting up PHPCS using the examples create on ....
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Find out MySql table sizes using drush
To find out the sizes of the tables in your databases, start by accessing the database using Drush with the following command.....
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Adding .gitignore to a Git project
Adding .gitignore to a Git project and removing unwanted files from the git repository.....
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Useful docker commands
To delete all containers including docker volumes use the following commands in the cli....
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Simpiflied PHP development environment
It is essential to run up an uncomplicated, highly performant speed and stable local development environment.....
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Drupal 8 development, is it really that great?
With the advent of the new and long awaited Drupal 8 code base, it's time to evaluate its performance so far, is it all that we were expecting?....
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Mobile Phones are the new internet platform
The mobile internet is taking over the world at a fast pace to keep up with this new medium there are a number of ways to design and develop for it....
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How to I access an entity (e.g. node) field in Drupal8
This function access an entity field on a node in Drupal8.....
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Request a Drupal 8 node NID on page load
This function does exactly what it says, it returns the current Drupal 8 node NID that is being requested by the user.....
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Accessing taxonomy's name and parent TID in Drupal 8
This function allows you to access a taxonomy entity fields and get the following results.....
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Drupal 8 views html5 text placeholder
In Drupal 8 views an anonymous user has the ability to filter content. When exposes the filters is enabled.....
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